ArcGIS for AutoCAD

Please visit the ESRI website for the complete help documentation. The ESRI documentation can be found here:


Download ArcGIS for AutoCAD

  1. ​Download and install ArcGIS for AutoCAD from​

  2. Once the extension has been installed go to Start  > All Programs > ArcGIS for AutoCAD and launch the program. This will open the appropriate version of AutoCAD on your computer with the ArcGIS extension.

  3. Upon open a file loading Security Concern may popup. Select Load.



  1. Once open there will be an ArcGIS toolbar allowing users to connect to data.




Assign Coordinate System

It is good practice to assign a coordinate system. This can be done by selecting the world icon under the manage section of the ArcGIS Tool bar.



A file explorer window will open allowing the user to select the appropriate coordinate system


Adding Simcoe Map Services


Use the Add Service tool to connect to County of Simcoe Services:


  1. ​Click the Add Service button on the ArcGIS tab



  1. If a new server connection is required then click the "New Server Connection" text to open the Server connection information window.


  1. Enter the Server URL: (including the "https").




  1. Click Next.

  2. Once mapped the add GIS service list will display, select the service you want then click add.


Adding ESRI Maps



Once this is selected, a browser window will open allowing users to select a default esri basemap. Coordinates must be assigned to add an ESRI Map.




NOTE: To remove a base map, Select the GIS Contents window and the right click the basemaps and select remove service.