Solid Waste Facilities
Live layers available include Waste Collection Schedule, Landfill and Bag Tag Locations. To turn on and off the live layers click the green check mark beside the layer in the table of contents.
The Waste Collection Schedule provides users with the day of the week they regular waste collection takes place as well as a toggle button to turn on the special collection week.
The Landfill and Bag Tag Locations tab shows the locations of all public landfill sites within the County of Simcoe. Users can click on the landfill icon to get more information, such as the address, hours of operation and directions. This tab also provides a listing of all locations within Simcoe County where residences can buy bag tags. Click on the bag tag icon to get more informations, such as the address and phone number of the business.
To filter the results of the landfill and bag tag locations use the drop down of all municipalities, choose a municipality and the results will filter. To clear a filter click the eraser button located beside the municipality drop down.